The first American tank known as T2 was born in Rock Island Arsenal in 1934, not long after its trials this prototype has evolved into the M2.
M2A1 light tank production was started in 1935, the initial version was armed with a .50 cal (12.7 mm) MG and a coaxial 7.62 mm MG. This tank could reach a top speed of 56 kmh (36 mph) what gives it an excellent scouting capacity.
During the Spanish Civil War the need for bigger gun become clear and the choice was the M5 AT 37 mm cannon so the US Army in 1938 ordered the M2A4 to be built with increased armor of 25 mm thick, using this 37 mm gun instead of machine guns and a new 250 hp
Continental 7 cylinders radial engine.

World War II has started and Europe is now facing a conflict a lot different from World War I, with the quick fall of France the US Army soon realized the need for a better tank and new doctrines.
The production of the M3 Stuart started in 1941, basically it was an upgraded version of the M2A4 with better suspension, a new and more powerful engine and a new M6 gun with better recoil system.

From the deserts of North Africa to dense jungles of Pacific islands the M3 proved its combat value due to its lightweight (14.7 tons) and good mobility. Many US allies have used the M3 during and after World War II, the list of former operators of this tank is huge (more than 30 countries).